Taking a Managerial Role in Fly Control

01/30/2014 17:18
Keeping flies under control is a constant headache for any household. It’s even more of a headache if you have a farm, for example. The best thing to do is to approach the whole thing wearing your manager’s hat. Make it a project that you take control of, and to whom you’re answerable to nobody but yourself. That way, you’ll be best prepared to look after your property and keep it free from annoyance and disease. Annoyance and disease are the two ills that too many flies bring to you and they are your ultimate enemy. I think that if you think about that for a few minutes and let that notion really sink in, then you’ve taken the first step facing in the correct direction, rather than focusing on the flies themselves or any other aspects or sub-aspects that that might incur. So make yourself the CFCO (Chief Fly Control Officer) of your company or your household (maybe they’re one and the same thing?) and make the end of fly annoyance and disease your ultimate goal. The first thing that you’ve got to do is a full assessment of the situation and one that is as comprehensive as possible. Be aware that there are thousands of species of flies in North America. This is an important point because knowing your enemy is the first thing you need to do. If you know your enemy, then you know its weak points and you’ll soon know how to defeat it. Luckily, in any case, there are probably only a handful of species that you’ll ever have to deal with. These would, most commonly, involve the blue green fly, the common house fly, the mosquito and the blow fly. These would be the most common, but it really does depend on where you live. So read up and see what you’ve got and that will allow you to get to the next stage of things. It’s the disease that’s the main thing, as we already said so keep in mind that you’ve got to get rid of these flies in order to stop the spread of disease. If you have a barn, then that should be the priority area. Animal feces and generally animals are inclined to attract the attentions of flies so you’re most likely to have the concentration of the problem is these kind of areas. You should form a plan of action and chart when the fly season starts. Then, you need to implement your plan as early in the season as possible. Knocking the fly cycle out of kilter is always a good strategy and you should be thinking of interrupting their life cycles with a fly trap. There are lots of pest control products out there, but if you start using a homemade fly trap early in the season, then you will find that for each one trapped, you’re saving the creation of hundreds more. Green flies are particularly susceptible to this kind of approach and starting early will go a long way to preventing fly infestation further in the season. Finally, the best pest control products are now the organic ones. Because of so many chemicals being banned now, we’ve come a long way in terms of the evolution of organic pest control. So much so, that now the organic pest control solutions are the most effective ones. Check out fly predators, for example.

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Fly Control